Food for Performance and Fitness with Mary CarmodyFood is the fuel of the body. It provides us with the energy we need to keep going, to focus, to concentrate and to remain active and alert. The body is a factory which produces energy to sustain stamina. This presentation will focus on healthy eating to sustain those who want to remain fit. If you are an active person or intend to become more active, there will be lots of tips on how to keep your energy up and get you across the line.

About Mary Carmody

Mary is passionate about Nutrition and believes that a combination of healthy eating, exercise, enough quality sleep and minimising stress levels is the key to a healthy and balanced life and to our overall health and wellbeing. At the heart of Mary’s business is health and wellness: transforming people’s lives through food and nutritional advice, education and services. Mary empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own health and enables corporates to provide for the health and wellbeing of their employees. Mary aims to promote comprehensive diet and lifestyle changes to restore body function, enabling people to achieve their specific health goals and promote optimal wellness for life in a simple and easy way.